More information chairmassage


Chair massage quote:

Open hours corporate massage

Ma-vr: 9AM-6PM

Corporate massage on location

The Office Spa provides corporate massage at companies in Amsterdam. Large and small. From weekly to annually.

Why chair massages?

Chair massages at work are a great way to improve productivity and well-being. Our massages are specially designed to reduce tension and stress, allowing you to concentrate better and have more energy. If you are looking for a way to help your employees relax and feel better, then our corporate office massages are the perfect solution.

Our chair massages not only ensure a relaxed body, but above all a calm and refreshed mind. You feel better both fysically as mentally. And happy people are generally more energetic, creative and stress-resistant. At work and at home. That's what we do it for.

Kosten bedrijfsmassage – belastingvoordeel

The government encourages employers to combat sick leave and therefore offers tax benefits.

If chair massage is offered in the workplace, this is generally subject to a 'nil valuation'. Anything that an employer provides, reimburses or makes available to an employee for their employment is wages. To prevent the value of facilities used by an employee in the workplace from falling into the tax-free allowance, a number of facilities have been valued at nil. These 'nil valuations' are therefore not at the expense of the free space.*

* * Source and more details: Handboek Loonheffingen 2023 Belastingdienst (p.340)
